Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weigh-In #6

I am so excited! I get to go on a cruise next week!! My first thought was, "I'm not going to weigh-in for the next two weeks". BAD IDEA! I am doing so good, I have lost 9 pounds so far and I do not want to mess this up! I still want to enjoy the food on this cruise, but I am going to try my hardest to be good and be more active so that I can enjoy a little more than I am now. So hopefully I don't gain anything, but my goal is to not gain more than 2 cupcakes if I have to gain anything, but I'm going to try not to. Wish me luck! :) And keep up the good work! If anyone has any helpful hints or more recipes or something that's their favorite, feel free to share!

Mindy (12 cupcakes): 1 cupcake lost/11 to go
Kristi (41 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/39 to go
Peggy (8 cupcakes): 0 cupcakes lost/gain
Debbie (19 cupcakes):
Megan (9 cupcakes):
Sam (18 cupcakes): 5.8 cupcakes lost/14.2 to go

(I am going to try and post weigh-in #7 next week before I leave, but if it's not up by sunday evening, will someone else please do it?! Thanks & I will post weigh-in #8 when I get home on October 5 or 6)

1 comment:

remington and mindy said...

Wow Sam, way to go! You're doing awesome! Keep it up!