Saturday, September 27, 2008

Weigh-in #7

It's Saturday evening, but I don't have time to post tomorrow morning because I have to catch a flight! So I decided to post tonight and use the weight when I weighed myself yesterday morning. I hope that I don't gain anything on my cruise! Wish me Luck! :)
Mindy (11 cupcakes): 1 cupcake lost/10 to go
Kristi (39 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/37 to go
Peggy (8 cupcakes):
Debbie (19 cupcakes):
Sam (14.2 cupcakes): .6 of a cupcake lost/13.6 to go
Liana (30 cupcakes):

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A bit about me

My name is Liana Sorenson...Mindy is my sister-in-law (our husbands are brothers) and Sam has been my best friend for 20 years! I figured it was time to join when I started this stupid bet with Sam. (No sweet stuff or fast food until Jan. 1. Right before Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! What was I thinking?) Anyway, I'm sick of feeling fat. I want to be healthy but I want to look good too. My goal right now is to lose 30 cupcakes and fit into single digit pant sizes again. I'm not actually doing weight watchers but I hope having you girls as motivators will keep me working towards my goal.

PS It isn't letting me download a pic, so I will try later. (I got your back Liana! :) Look at that long hair! Love ya, Sam)
(Sorry Sam, I had to change that terrible picture! Nothing against the photographer though, just the subject!)
I just wanted to say Way to go Kristi! I know last week you were frustrated, and I see you didn't stop! Congrats on loosing two more lbs! I too struggle getting past the month mark. I have been doing weight watchers at work for 11 weeks, however I really have only been doing it for two weeks. Meaning I have only actually been really trying for two weeks, and if it is paying off. I am going to make it over that month hump this time, and you girls are an inspiration. Thanks! Oh by the way, I found out that the a Medium bowl of Rubmi's Bahama Mama's Tortilla soup is only 3 points. Not bad. It was really tasty too! Try it!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weigh-In #6

I am so excited! I get to go on a cruise next week!! My first thought was, "I'm not going to weigh-in for the next two weeks". BAD IDEA! I am doing so good, I have lost 9 pounds so far and I do not want to mess this up! I still want to enjoy the food on this cruise, but I am going to try my hardest to be good and be more active so that I can enjoy a little more than I am now. So hopefully I don't gain anything, but my goal is to not gain more than 2 cupcakes if I have to gain anything, but I'm going to try not to. Wish me luck! :) And keep up the good work! If anyone has any helpful hints or more recipes or something that's their favorite, feel free to share!

Mindy (12 cupcakes): 1 cupcake lost/11 to go
Kristi (41 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/39 to go
Peggy (8 cupcakes): 0 cupcakes lost/gain
Debbie (19 cupcakes):
Megan (9 cupcakes):
Sam (18 cupcakes): 5.8 cupcakes lost/14.2 to go

(I am going to try and post weigh-in #7 next week before I leave, but if it's not up by sunday evening, will someone else please do it?! Thanks & I will post weigh-in #8 when I get home on October 5 or 6)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm finally ready.....

Ok last but not least, this is Kristi's mom Debbie and I am ready to officially start now. I am slow because we went on a cruise a week ago, but now I am more motivated than ever (thanks to the all night buffet). I have been on and off Weight Watchers since I was about 12 years old. I have tried other weight loss plans over the years, but always go back to WW because it is the only one that you can actually stay on long term. I have lost tons of weight over the years and if I can ever figure out that it is easier to just stay on it after you lose the weight I wouldn't have to start again and again. A couple of years ago I lost 30 lbs. on WW and I have put most of it back on, I feel gross. It feels so much better to be thin(er)! So here it goes again hopefully I will do better at keeping it off this time around. It is so much more fun to go shopping when you are thin, you have more energy, you feel so much healthier and it does wonders for your self-esteem. It helps to read everyone's encouraging stories, like reading about Peggy losing 8 lbs. and having to buy new pants sounds fun to me! So keep the stories and encouragement coming and I will also participate.
Good luck! Keep up the good work everyone and don't get discouraged. It is so worth it!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ugh.. I had a HORRIBLE week.. I fell off the wagon on Thursday and it didn't get any better.. I ate out ALOT and it obviously shows with my 2 pound gain. I am getting a little discouraged.. I can always keep it up for a month and then I waiver and I guess my month is up so I started to waiver. I am NOT going to give up though.. I just have to try EXTRA hard this week to lose those 2 pounds I put on and then some.. I KNOW weight watchers works and I just need to get back in the swing of things.. it sucks to gain, but I just needed to vent.. so I am going to get back on the ball this week I know I can do it.. Good luck to everyone else this week!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Okay, I've been pretty silent for a while so I guess I should put in my 2 cents worth. I feel good about my progress so far- 8 pounds! I want to keep it going and make this a lifestyle habit. I can sure tell a difference in how I feel when I don't eat CRAP! I love eating clean and healthy. And I love the way it feels when my clothes feel looser. Dang it, I might have to go buy some smaller pants! Sorry I'm just talking about myself. You guys are doing awesome--those of you who are posting. You should be so proud of yourselves! Kristi and Mindy--what are you going to call this website when we are actually skinny? This is definitely not an easy thing to do but it will be so worth it. I promise I will post a recipe but I need to find a good one. Keep it up (or down) everyone!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Snack Ideas!

What is everyone's favorite snack or snacks and how many points??
**Please log in and add to the list!

  • Skinny Cow mini fudge popsicles...1 point
  • Banana...2 points
  • 100 calorie packs (cookies and crackers)...2 points
  • Quakes (small rice cakes, I like the cheese ones)...2 points for 9 rice cakes!!
  • Weight Watcher giant cookies and cream popsicle...2 points
  • FRUIT is good! (most fruit)...1 point
  • Apple Sauce w/cinnamon(individuals)...1 point
  • Weight Watcher string cheese...1 point
  • Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding snack + 1/2c. canned pure pumpkin, add splenda &/or pumpkin pie spice. Only 1 point (WW website) sounds good but I haven't tried it yet.
  • 8 stalks of Celery and 1/2 cup salsa--1 point (WW website)
  • 2 oz. sliced lean turkey breast and 2 pickle spears-- 1 point (WW website)
  • 1 cup of sugar free jello chocolate pudding, half a banana (sliced) and a dollop of sugar free cool whip (couldn't tell you the points...sorry)

Weigh-In #5

Wow! It feels great to lose some weight! Why didn't I do this like 5 years ago?? Oh yeah, it's hard, but it is WORTH IT!! I am so excited that I have been dropping 2 cupcakes every week (hopefully I don't jinx myself)! Right now I am just watching what and how much I eat. I haven't been doing much exercise, but I do hope to add that to my routine soon! I hope everything is going well with everyone! It would be fun to hear from you just to see how things are going for you, so feel free to post a comment or something. THANKS -Mindy

Mindy (14 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/12 to go
Kristi (39 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes gained/41 to go
Peggy (10 1/2 cupcakes): 2 1/2 cupcakes lost/8 to go
Debbie (19 cupcakes):
Megan (9 cupcakes):
Sam (20 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/18 to go

**Please Log-in and add your results!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So I am new to blogging experience, and couldn't figure out how to add my loss. Which was 0 cupcakes. However I didn't gain any, so that is good. So if someone could add tahat for me, that would be fabulous. Thanks. My vote is that we keep going. I finally got my head in the game, don't quit on me now. I've done my shopping for the week, and am ready to play. These are some of the meals that we will be having:
Tonight: Spgetthetti (spelling?)
Barilla Protein enriched noodles Noodles 4 pts for 2 Oz
Ground Beef 1/2 cup 3 pts drained the fat
Sauce 0 pts Yum! I put lots of yummy chunky veggies to make it taste good and add flavor.
Italian Salad: Lettuce 0 pts, Red Onion 0 pts, Olives (10) 1 pt, fat free italian dressing 1 pt
Dessert: Fat Free Sugar free Pudding w/ Fat free Milk 2 Pts, Cool whip 1 pt 2 table spoons

A couple of fun suggestions: Oscar Meyer Center Cut bacon. It is only 1 point for TWO slices, and it tastes exactly like normal bacon! You'll be shocked. I eat it with an egg, 1 oz of lower fat cheese, and I have a yummy, very filling 5 point breakfast.
Another: If you go to walmart - where they have their cream cheese, you'll find some bagels. They are just a little smaller then normal sized bagels, and have 5 in a pack. They have to be refrigerated. Are you ready for this? They are 1 point for a WHOLE bagel! So then if you can even get the regular WHIPPED (Its less calories) cream cheese. You can have a full serving of cream cheese, 2 Tbs for 2 points. It tastes so great, you feel like your cheating, and yet your only eating a 3 point meal! :0 Add some berries or a kiwi, and its complete.

Well there are a couple of ideas for this week. I'll put more next week. Have a good one.


Hey Everyone...

Hey everyone.. we just need your input on the blog. It doesn't seem like anyone is really participating, so I dunno if it is benefitial or if we should keep it going anymore. We need feedback because we cant keep this going all by ourselves. So please give us your feedback to whether or not we should keep this going. Thanks everyone.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Weigh-In #4

It's time for weigh-in again! I hope everyone is doing well! Please log-in and post your results! I still have been struggling with keeping track of points, but I'm trying and getting a little bit better. I need more meal ideas!! If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated if you would post them :) Thanks! -Mindy

Mindy (16 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/ 14 to go
Kristi (40 cupcakes): 1 cupcake lost :(/39 to go
Peggy (11 cupcakes): 1/2 cupcake lost/10 1/2 to go
Debbie (19 cupcakes):
Megan (9 cupcakes):
Sam (20 cupcakes): 0 cupcakes loss/gain

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hello everyone! My name is Samantha (Sam) and I am a friend of Mindy. Long ago in a land far away (actually just Sugar House) I worked with her husband. Then his brother Russell married my best friend, and now the rest is, as they say, history. I work for Stampin' Up! and am a S.ervice A.ccount M.anager. We call our selves SAMs. Funny huh! I'm Sam the SAM. I am married to Mike and we are coming up on our fourth anniversary in October. Wow! We don't have any children, but would like to have some someday (soon if possible). I served a mission in Alaska, where I actually lost 50lbs. That is the closest I have been in the last 10 years to the size I want to be. I have been on the weight loss merry-go-round for about 12 years. I am currently doing weight watchers at my work. I'll be honest, I'm not doing great. But I would like to be. That is why I'm joining this group. The more accountability I have, the better. My goal is to get rid of 90 cupcakes, however that is a big bite all at once. So for now I am working on getting rid of 20 cupcakes. I look forward to getting to know all of you and working with you on our goals!

Sam :)
This is my "Skinny" picture. It was taken only a couple weeks after I came home from the mission. Its my goal to look like this again.

Cafe Rio Chicken Salad

Okay here is what I figured the Cafe Rio Chicken salad to be...
Black Beans (abt 1/2 cup)- 2 pts
Rice (abt 1/2 cup)- 2 pts
Lettuce- 0 pts
Chicken (abt 6 oz.)- 6 pts
Creamy dressing (1 Tbsp)-1 pt
Total: 15 pts
* I figured this without guac, and without the little chippys that they put on the top. Also its only with 1 Tbsp of dressing, if you use more than that obviously you need to double the points. I figured that out of the weight watchers foodlist book.. so it may not be EXACTLY right but it is pretty darn close.. and delicious! It's kinda a lot of points, but may be good for a splurge meal or something.. Keep up the goodwork everyone!

Keep Up the Good Work!!

Good Morning! I hope everyone is doing GREAT with eating! I have been super motivated the last few days, so I just wanted to share that with everyone! I hope you all do GREAT this week! Keep up the good work!! The meal idea was great! Hopefully everyone will post some more this week so we can all try new things! I am going to post the Cafe Rio Chicken salad.. I figured out the points.. so stay tuned I am going to do it after work! HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Weigh-In #3

So I have been struggling with this keeping track of the points, I guess I'm just to lazy to figure out all the points for each meal I make?! So right now I am trying to watch my portion sizes and make sure that I eat healthier than I normally do, until I get back up and going! I hope all of you are staying strong! (I know Debbie is on a cruise right now) Well I don't even know if any of you are checking the blog or if it even helps to have one. I need some feed back! I feel like I'm the only one posting anything! I need some meal ideas too!
Mindy (18 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/ 16 to go
Kristi (42 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/40 to go
Amber (15 cupcakes):
Peggy (11 cupcakes): 1 cupcake lost/10 to go
Debbie (19 cupcakes):
Megan (9 cupcakes):

*Please login and post your results or send me an email and I will post them for you, thank you!