Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Weigh-in #9

How is everyone doing? Sorry I'm posting late, I kept forgetting. (You girls can post too if I forget)! Well the cold weather is coming along with the holidays. This is always the hardest time of year because I love to have comfort food! I bought some weight watcher soups and most of them are only 1 point, some 0 points! I've only tried one so far, and it's not too bad. I just had 1 piece of wheat bread toasted, a little bit of butter and garlic salt with the soup and it was way good! I hope all is well!

Mindy (11 cupcakes): 1 cupcake lost/10 to go
Kristi (37 cupcakes):
Peggy (10 cupcakes): 1.5 lost/8.5 to go
Debbie (19 cupcakes):
Sam (13 cupcakes): 1 cupcake lost/12 to go
Liana (30 cupcakes):

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