Monday, November 3, 2008

Weigh-In #12

Well I did go walking a few times last week, knowing that I would have a free day on Halloween and eat a TON of candy! It was yummy, but I ate too much and it shows. I didn't lose anything, I guess I'm glad I didn't gain anything either! Well here goes another week! Don't forget to post your results ladies!

Mindy (9 cupcakes): 0 cupcakes gained/9 to go
Kristi (41 cupcakes): 2 cupcakes lost/39 to go
Peggy (8.5 cupcakes): 0 cupcakes gained/8.5 to go
Sam (24 cupcakes): 0.8 cupcakes lost/22.4 to go
Liana (30 cupcakes): Liana doesn't have a scale - we should all chip in and buy her one. :) Haha.